My name's Sondre Drakensson,
and I am what I call an "orchestral padawan", who started composing in 2023.
I used to listen exclusively to orchestral trailer and production-music,
accumulating vast knowledge of different composers, companies and styles
and eventually concluded I should be a part of that world.
Production-music is highly unusual and almost unheard of in Norway,
where musicians usually cling to the boring routine of Pop, Metal and EDM.
This makes me an outlier who, if furthering my skills, will paradoxically see me success here.
I adopt a Blue Ocean Strategy in my music, a natural ability that was also seen in my
past as a brief independent videogame designer.
My music often features transgressive and contemporary
articulations combined with synthesis. The albums are unconventionally released on Bandcamp,
for accessibility sake, particularly for low-budget creators or students.